Produced during Hilary Clinton’s historic 2016 presidential campaign, this six-episode podcast series charts the political advancement of women in the United States through the lives and achievements of ten noteworthy pioneers. From universal suffrage and elected office to community organizing and brokering party politics, these episodes use archival recordings from UC Berkeley’s Bancroft Library to bring to life the centuries-long struggle of women to gain their rightful place in the nation’s political system.
Belva Davis - Narrator
Todd Holmes - Researcher, Writer
Shanna Farrell, Cristina Kim - Producers, Editors
Coastal Tales: The Long Struggle to Preserve California’s Coast
It is often said that the true history of the California Coastal Commission is what you don’t see, namely the developments along the coast the agency either denied or significantly scaled back. This “unseen” history stands at the heart of this podcast series.
Drawing from the interviews conducted for the California Coastal Commission Oral History Project, as well as archival recordings, each episode of this forthcoming series will feature a specific site on the state’s coastline and detail the story of a proposed development that, if not for the Coastal Commission, would have significantly altered those sites and communities forever.
When complete, the episodes of Coastal Tales will be housed on a dedicated website that will feature the full transcripts of the interviews along with additional information and resources on the history of the Commission. The public will also eventually be able to access the episodes at the sites themselves with the scan of a QR code.
Scott Shafer - KQED Senior Political Editor, Narrator
Todd Holmes - Interviewer, Writer, Editor
Paul Burnett - Producer